There was a time in my life -- think way way back a million years ago -- when I thought I'd like to be a photographer. I had my Grandpa's old Pentax SLR that had no automatic setting. I loved that camera. I took photography in school and knew how to develop my own film and print from my own negatives. In an actual darkroom. There was no such thing as digital back then.
So why didn't I become a photographer? Well, I'm just not that good. I don't have the eye. I have long since forgotten all that I learned in photography class about the f stops and aperture and shutter speed. I now shoot in full automatic mode and I don't edit my pictures. That last one is probably because I lack photoshop. I do still enjoy taking pictures and sometimes I get lucky and snap a great one. It is usually of my girls. Last year I was daring and entered a couple of my favourite pictures in the fair. I managed to score a couple of seconds and I was thrilled. I plan on entering again this year. I'd like to try and shoot a picture for every category, but I'm not sure how realistic that will be for me time wise when you factor in some of the categories are a bit obscure. Like skipping stones and owner and pet look-a-like, for example.
I've already shot a few categories and so far I'm happy with what I have. I like having an assignment, so I thought I'd start playing You Capture hosted by:

Each week you get a photo prompt and this week's was Nature. Good thing because not too long ago I was in Jenni's backyard taking pictures of her ferns (another fair category) and now I can't decide which one I want to enter. What do you think?

I know which one I'm leaning towards.
Beautiful captures!
Great captures!
Good luck entering your photos at the fair.
I like the first one the best.
I like the top one best. It seems to have more depth and is a little sharper. Both are beautiful, though!
I like the second one best. The focus is on the bleeding hearts and the background has that unfocused look which I have never managed to get. Maybe I'll join this...
Holding out on me!? :-P
Great shots Shan! I like the first one the best...I think the exposure is better and I like that the mulch is in focus because it makes for a cool "leading line"...which leads your eye back up to the pretty Bleeding Hearts (is that what they are?).
Now off I go to check out that cool sounding site that you never told me about...
:-P (again).
I like the bottom one best :o)
Great captures, they are beautiful!
I love bleeding hearts!
I too like the top one best because the mulch is in focus. Great colours in the photo!
I'm torn... In the top one, I like how the details of each fern is really clear, but in the 2nd one, the Bleeding Heart flowers are more in focus. Both pictures are great, but my personal opinion is that the first one is overall in much better focus. Maybe just a touch dark, but nothing is crazy shadowed or anything... It's great!
Funny... We have a Bleeding Heart plant squashed in with some ferns at our house, too! LOL
Both so pretty - I'm liking #1.
I like the first one too... I understand what you were going for in #2 but I like the depth of #1 and the richness. If you want to enter #2, I think I would crop the photo in closer to the bleeding heart so it's just a sea of fuzzy green behind. One bonus of being a graphic designer is having photoshop at home already! Feel free to send photos this way and I can doctor them however you want!
April & Terri - thanks!
Lynn - I like them both too. Thanks for your vote.
Julie - I like that unfocused looked too. I saw you played too!
MP - Ummm I guess I kinda did. I didn't mean too though, does that count? Hope you start playing too.
Shelly - thanks for the vote.
Stacie - they are pretty.
Karen - Thanks!
Leah - I feel torn too.
Lisa - thanks!
Heather - thanks for the offer, but this is more a straight out of the camera type of entry. Although there is a section that lets you play around with your skills.
Those are both beautiful. :)
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