Friday, July 31, 2009

friday high five - don't want to forget

Angela's Adventures

Not surprisingly Maya seems to be changing right before my very eyes. She's becoming so much more sure of herself socially. She's interacting with people almost from the moment she meets them and not after several hours of peeking out from behind my proverbial skirts. She doesn't need to be in constant physical contact with me and not everything in her life needs to be done by Mommy. It's lovely and a little heart breaking at the same time.

So for this week's Friday High Five - the things about Maya at 3 years and six months that I don't want to forget.

1. The piggy ride back. Every time we need to go from upstairs to down or vice versa she wants me to give her a piggy ride back. I could correct her, but it's much cuter this way.

2. The lisp. I'm not really 100% certain it's a lisp or if she's still figuring out the whole talking thing. She's been late for just about every developmental milestone, so I'm not convinced this is any different. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she woke up tomorrow pronouncing it truck instead of thruck. Although, I would miss the thruck, just a little bit.

3. The knock knock jokes. She's just recently discovered them, coincidentally she's also discovered that poop is funny. So most of the punch lines are the same....
Maya: Knock knock
Me/Mike/Abby/Papa/Grandma/Anybody Who Will Answer Here: Who's there?
Maya: Abby/Daddy/Bible School/Pizza Hut/Mommy/Whatever she feels like
Whoever: Bible School who?
Maya: Bible school, you pooped in your underpants.
And then she laughs like it's the funniest thing in the world. This goes on for large portions of the day. Although lately she's been mixing it up with Abby/Daddy/Mommy/Zebby's butt stinks.

4. The crashes. The daily afternoon naps are a thing of the past, but now we've noticed that every third day or so she grabs her blankey and crashes between five and six and sleeps right through until morning. She does it very quietly too so you never know until you find her curled up asleep somewhere.

5. When she colours she likes to stick with one colour and cover the entire paper. And when she's not colouring she's drawing the cutest little faces with eyes, noses, mouths, and ears. And they actually look like faces too. The first time she did it I thought it was a fluke, but she's done it many times since. Perhaps we have another budding artist on our hands.


Betsy Hart said...

HOW FUN!!! I love this age so much!!

Mommy Project said...

Ahhh...i just LOVED this post. It made me LOL (is it sad that I, literally, laughed out loud at her "Bible School you pooped in your underpants" joke? Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, still laughing!!). Little My-Pie is, really, such a sweetie-pie.<3

Shan said...

Betsy - yeah, it's great.

MP - nope, I laughed like crazy the first 24 times she told it too. She's a funny one.

septembermom said...

So sweet. The piggy back rides must be fun for both of you. Don't they just love knock knock jokes at this age?

Angela said...

Sorry I am so late stopping by but I am still without internet. I tried visiting the high fivers all in one day but the library was closing....literally they were turning out the lights!! How rude!! Anyway GREAT IDEA for a high five post and I may just use this one sometime soon ~ LOVE IT!! The lisp.....I recently took Zay to a speech therapy evaluation. He will be in speech therapy soon and I am going to miss some of his talking traits. Yes his speech is behind BUT sometimes it is just so darn cute!!!