Saturday, July 25, 2009

her big trip

I don't want you to think Maya was left out of the recent trip Abby took with Granny. She was invited to go..... sorta. Granny mentioned taking her and I said I thought she was still too young and -- more importantly -- too much of a handful to take. Granny asked Maya anyway, only to be told that she needed "to stay beside Mommy".

That didn't stop her from phoning Granny after the trip to ask when it was going to be her turn.

Where do you want to go? Granny asked her.

Hmmm. Maya thought about it for a moment. Grocery shopping!

So this morning Maya went on her big grocery shopping trip with Granny (and the Abster and I). It was pretty funny how excited she was about the entire trip. So much so she was even willing to let me braid her hair. Usually she has a fit if you attempt to do anything to her hair and has been known to pull out my pony tail because, according to her, I don't need it.

So we had some fun and bought a lot that wasn't on the official grocery list. For the most part Abby stayed with me and helped me with the actual shopping. While Maya and Granny tried on every pair of shoe in the shoe department. Well Maya did, Granny was just trying to keep up. Judging by the stickers and the Wii game that made it into the buggy there was a detour through the toy department as well.

Really, I just found it remarkably funny that when given the choice of where she'd like to go she picked grocery shopping. Maybe it seems so magical because she's never really gone grocery shopping before. Mike does the shopping solo now, ever since we figured out we spend way less money if he shops without *me* or the kids.

Big thanks to Granny for a wonderful morning at WalMart and for making Little My Pie's dream come true.


septembermom said...

Maya sounds so sweet! How nice that she got excited about the trip with her Granny. Cute post :)

Lynn said...

That is such a cute story! I love it that Maya finds the grocery store to be such a fun, exotic location. It makes me smile to see your girls having such a great relationship with their Grandma.

Mommy Project said...

Ahhh...the joys of childhood, huh? I remember being all excited about simple things like that. Grocery shopping has lost it's appeal now that I'm old. That's one of the most fun things about kids...just watching them get excited about those little things.

Betsy Hart said...

My husband spends alot less than I do when he shops too!

Goofball said...

so cute that she chose grocery shopping :). We often forget the little delights in our life and get lost in routines.

Shan said...

September - oh she is a sweetie. And she sure was excited.

Lynn - Thanks, they actually have three Grandmas and they spend a lot of time with each of them. It's really pretty great.

MP - Yeah, grocery shopping was sure more interesting with them tagging along.

Betsy - it's funny huh?

Goofball - yes we do.