Sunday, July 19, 2009

she wii'ed

The other night we invited some company over for dinner and a swim. But those plans were thwarted when the skies opened up and dumped tremendous amounts of rain all over the place. So instead I barbecued whilst trying to stay dry under a tree and then ...... what to do ........ ummmm ... how about we fire up the Wii? Actually it was Abby's idea so she could show off her mad bowling skillz.

Maya watched the older kids all taking a turn rolling strikes and spares and decided that -- I wanna turn. Me. It's my turn!

So I hooked her up with a controller and attempted to help. That, apparently, was the wrong approach.

No! Don't need help. I do it! I do it!

And wouldn't you know it, she did. I was kind of amazed she caught on to which buttons to press and when to let them go very quickly. She finished her game with a score of 101. Not bad for her first outing.



Betsy Hart said...

That isn't bad at all!! M loves playing Mario Cart wii, she is horrible, but she likes to play!

septembermom said...

I'm still trying to figure out the Wii, but my kids love it! Glad that she had fun:)

Goofball said...

why not swim in the rain?

I've never tried Wii so far

Shan said...

Betsy - I think the girls would like Mario Kart. Maybe for Christmas.

September - Yeah, me too:)

Goofball - we've actually been having a pretty cool summer here with some really strong rain storms. Cold water and heavy rain are not a great mix.