Monday, July 20, 2009

just another random monday

After a week of lazy mornings and late bedtimes today was back to our regularly scheduled programming. Mike and I were back to work and the kids were back to the sitter's. Mike slipped out to a meeting after dinner, Maya crashed on the couch a good two hours before bedtime and Abby had a meltdown of epic proportions. I'm pretty sure the Mommy Project heard it at her place.

Speaking of the Mommy Project, she's back blogging again.Yay! I always miss her when she's gone on one of her hiatuses. She's actually blogging double. Check out her new photog blog. She's all kinds of talented.

And speaking of returning bloggers. My wicked talented bro, Uncle Dave, is taking another crack at the whole blogging thing. This time for his company, Page Design. Check him out soon, he'll probably only be blogging for the next ten minutes. Oh and if you can believe it he's twittering now too.

Movie night with the Jersey Girls this past weekend. We watched StepBrothers. I've seen it before, but it's always great to laugh a lot with your best girls. My favourite line -- Did we just become best friends? -- Classic! So very very funny.

Looks like warm, but rainy weather coming up. Hate that. Hopefully it holds off long enough for Papa and Mike to trim the tree that's blocking our satellite reception. Right now it's a question of what *can* we watch on TV, not what do we *want* to watch on TV. Treehouse wouldn't come in today which did not help Maya's sunny disposition at all.

And by the time most of you read this it will be Robin's birthday! Happy birthday to the best friend a girl can have. The Oprah to my Gayle. True sister of my heart. I love you, happy birthday!


Betsy Hart said...

wow, you are about as random as me!! :) I might have to check out the mommy project with as much as you talk about her!

septembermom said...

Movie night sounds like fun! I've got to start one of those:) My husband would be nuts if he couldn't see all his shows. Hope you get your reception back!

Jen said...

I hope you can get that tree trimmed back. And happy b'day to your friend!

Mommy Project said...

Ahhh...thanks for the sweet Shout-Out, Shan! :-x Muwahhh!

Shan said...

Betsy - oh you should, she's fantastic. And I'm not just saying that because she's one of my besties.

September - I highly recommend movie night! Such fun. And yes, the reception problem has finally been corrected.

Jen - we did thanks!

MP - Anytime D! xo