Saturday, July 11, 2009

this is my house, this is my home

It seems that my little post about the girls waiting for the water truck led to some questions about the little village in which we live. So I thought it might be fun to make a series out of it.


This is our back yard from our back property line. Ours is probably one of the smaller lots in the neighbourhood, but it's good enough for me. Mike, however, would love acres of land. Our neighbour on the other side of the garage (please disregard the horrible state of the garage it's in need of a major structural overhaul) is fairly close, but you could easily put another house in between us and the house on the other side.


And the front. It's an older (much older) house, pre-dating plumbing and electricity. The house used to be the original wooden siding, but we put the vinyl siding on about 12 years ago. Less maintenance and a little bit of help with the insulation factor. It does desire some curb appeal, but I am in no way good with plants. I need someone to tell me what to plant and where to plant it.


The view from the end of my driveway down the street.


And a very short stroll from my front door is this.....


It's an easy place to love.


Betsy Hart said...

That is so cool!! Your house is pretty!!

Julie said...

Fabulous! Just ask Karen, she can help you with plants!

Shan said...

Betsy - thanks. We're happy with it.

Julie - that's a good idea.

Goofball said...

it looks very nice

Chantal said...

Beautiful Shan, definitely a home!