So this weekend was the one the girls and I were going to sleepover at my Mom's and then have breakfast with Santa. Not surprisingly the kids were beyond excited about this. Unfortunately Granny had to work until 6:30, by the time she got to our place at 7ish...... well it was anarchy. Kids were bouncing off the ceiling. The car seat did not want to play nicely with my Mom's car (only 4 more pounds until she's in a booster. I may replace her 1% with half and half or heavy cream). Mike and I were snapping at each other. Yeah it was awesome.
Finally we managed to head out and even stopped at Michaels so I could do a little shopping. Granny took the kids over to PetSmart to pick out a bone for Adelaide (shhh don't tell her), so I got to shop all by myself. If only The Mommy Project had been with me, but alas she was at home enjoying the silence now that my kids were out of town.
When we got to Granny's she had a surprise waiting for us. I'll give you a hint..... Triplets.

The girls were tickled pink over this.
The next morning they were up bright and early, ready to head to the mall for breakfast with Santa. It's actually a nice little set up. With your ticket (the proceeds of which go to the United Way) you get a gift bag with a twin sized fleece blanket with a Christmas scene, a stuffed snowman and your breakfast, courtesy of A&W.

Which meant this guy kept wandering around. Luckily he kept his distance.
Oh and when we started breakfast Abby looked like this.....

That tooth is just barely hanging there.
And after breakfast.....

The best part..... the tooth.... she swallowed it! Oh and the tooth fairy forgot to come last night. That's a parenting fail right there. Luckily she thinks the TF didn't come because she didn't have a tooth to leave out. So we've left a note for tonight explaining what happened.... I better remember tonight!

This is TLP, BFF extraordinaire to Granny and it was her birthday. So Abby and I whipped up this adorable snowman cake for her. We did the candles and singing thing and then served up the cake. TLP's grand daughter took one bite of cake, dropped her fork and said ... This is gross. Luckily she's four and clearly didn't realize that I am an award winning baker, so it wasn't a huge blow to my ego. My sweet little Abby however, immediatley turned to her and said... This is my Mom's best cooking! Cute, right? Nice to know she's got my back.

And the other cutie that belongs to me thought it was pretty good too.
So it was a big full weekend with two little ones on a 2 day Christmas/Santa bender. It's a miracle Granny and I made it through alive. Tonight we took it easy and read Santa Duck that Elwood left for us as part of our continuing 25 days celebration.
Those pajamas are the cutest thing ever. I'd love to have a a pair. I'd buy matching jammies for the family but my husband is very anti-matching jammies.
oooh that must be so fun for the girls to have the same pyamas as their mother!
the jammies are AWESOME! Emily Grace would think that me having matching jammies to hers was the greatest thing on the planet. Where did your mom find them???
missing teeth, congrats
santa, yay
cake, yum
now take a nap!
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