Monday, March 29, 2010

and she's only seven

I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but over Christmas Grandma Sandi had her car stolen from the parking lot at her work. Luckily they only drove it down the mountain and abandoned it in an alley just a handful of km's from where the took it. She got it back, in one piece, but she was missing some change and Abby's riding helmet. For reals. They took a child's english style riding helmet. That was it. That was their big score..... that and $1.87. Since Abby had decided to take the winter session off, none of us gave the helmet another thought until this past week when riding lessons began again. Her old helmet no longer fit, so we borrowed one of the stable helmets and Grandma made plans to take Abby to pick out a new one this weekend.

Saturday afternoon Grandma Sandi arrived to pick up the girls while I was in the midst of getting the house in order for jammie movie night that evening and my visit with Karen that was planned for Sunday afternoon (thwarted once again by a sick child. Mine this time. Woke up puking at 2am. Fun times!! Our husbands figure the universe doesn't want us to meet.)

Abby and I were both in the back closet getting coats and shoes when Grandma Sandi says to me... You can come with us if you want Shan.

On my left hand side I hear a very quiet little... NO!

Believe me when I say it was less than whispered, but there was no mistaking the emphatic-ness of it, even at such a low volume. You could actually hear the exclamation point, it had become part of the word. I was more than a little surprised. I figured I must have heard her wrong. I stopped what I was doing and turned my head to look at her. Abby was ever so slightly moving her head back and forth, reaffirming what I thought I had heard, but even if I didn't, her face said it all. There my seven year old daughter, light of my life was giving me one serious case of the stink eye. The message was clear -- I don't care what you tell her. Make up an excuse, but you are not coming with us. Not. Coming. With. Us.

So I thanked Grandma Sandi for the invite, but suggested I would be cramping someone's style if I did tag along. Also there's a pretty good chance I would have thwarted Grandma Sandi's plan to purchase new cowboy boots for both girls (pink ones for Abby and baby blue for Maya), plus a riding crop that looks like a fairy wand and let's not forget the reason for the trip in the first place.... a riding helmet.

Yeah nobody wants the voice of reason tagging along on a shopping trip with Grandma, do they?


Julie said...

hey, i'd say no too if there was a chance of getting a fairy wand riding crop! exactly what grandma's are for. she's a wise one that abby.

Leah said...

That's a little bit heart-breaking!!!

Sounds like the girls got some good stuff, though!

Bibliomama said...

That's funny -- Eve had a field trip to the Science and Tech Museum, which I've gone to twice with Angus's class, and i didn't volunteer because my husband was away and i was just too damned tired. I was feeling guilty until she said "I'm kind of looking forward to my first field trip without you." Well, alright then!

Goofball said...

nope nobody wants you can better enjoy your "time off" ;)