Friday, April 16, 2010

food revolution friday #3

I am starting suspect this food revolution thing is growing larger by the minute. My Mom works for a children's clothing store and she mentioned that there were lots of parents and grandparents buying jammies and clothes instead of chocolate this past Easter. Interesting, don't you think, that they would mention that fact to her while shopping?

People often ask me (and I'm sure Mike as well) how the *diet* is going. I hesitate to correct the terminology, but a diet isn't going to fix anything. A diet makes me think that at some point when I reach my goal weight (whatever that may be, because I really don't have a set number in mind at this point) I can just go back to eating whatever I want. I mean sure I could do that, but I'd be right back where I started in a relatively short amount of time, I would imagine. No this has to be a change for my whole life. Forever. Wow, that sounded a little bit dramatic didn't it? But it's true enough.

Recognizing this as a forever change I've realized that I need to find myself some "not so horrible" treats. I mean who wants to live in a world without chocolate? Not me. My biggest find this week was chocolate pudding. Okay, so I didn't invent chocolate pudding. What I did do is figure out that, 100 calorie chocolate pudding with the addition of some fresh strawberries is a pretty decent imitation of chocolate fondue. All for a mere 2 points, in weight watcher's speak. Thanks to ML for sharing her farmer's market strawberries with me. Mmmm.

And the kids, well they continue making changes too. All with relatively no fuss. Abby has recently decided that she likes toasted egg sandwiches. This past week I bought a carton of golden egg whites. Basically it's egg whites with a small bit of egg yolk powder mixed in to give it the appearance of a beaten egg. I switched it for Abby's regular beaten egg, put it on a toasted whole wheat english muffin and she didn't even notice the difference. Abby only likes one kind of pudding, lemon meringue pie. This week I picked her up lemon meringue yogurt which was deemed a satisfactory replacement. Maya, well she's still a work in progress. We have cut back her milk at the sitter's. She's a great milk drinker, but a horrible eater. Really, though, who wants to eat after drinking a glass or three of milk? Our sitter is great, though and makes sure she's eating a certain portion of her lunch before she gets any more to drink. I think that's our biggest struggle with her - milk vs food - she'll pick milk every time. While I'm sure her bones are strong as steel because of it, it will be nice to have her sit down at the dinner table and, you know, actually eat a meal with us.

And I'll close with a tally update. For Mike, he lost just over 8 pounds. Wow, right?! He's now lost the equivalent of Maya, plus a little bit. As for me, I stayed the same. Which I'll take. I was flipping back through my book and noticed that I really drank very little all last week and more specifically had no green tea. Green tea is a well known weight loss booster, but you need to be drinking a minimum of three cups per day. I know it's been said that a food journal is key, when you're trying to lose weight and eat healthier and after this week I have to agree. It was great to be able to look back over the week and see where I could improve for next week.

Thanks to the fabulous Scattered Mom for hosting Food Revolution Fridays!

1 comment:

Scatteredmom said...

I work at a toy store and yes, I saw lots of people buying small things for Easter baskets too.

Yogurt is good, I had some awhile ago and didn't check the labels, but when I did it had 5 tsp of sugar per little container! GULP! It's frustrating how some things that we think might be healthy are actually sneaky.

Just take baby steps. Little changes here and there make a difference, I think. You're doing it! Yay!