Monday, August 23, 2010

other than that everything's good

I hesitate to even put this out there because by tomorrow it is very likely that none of it will be true, but right at this very moment I feel overwhelmed, unappreciated, unheard, exhausted, under valued and taken advantage of. My temper is short and my patience long gone. I had to apologize to my kids tonight and the lump in my throat just may choke me. I'm thinking it's probably best I call today done, head up to bed and try to have a better tomorrow.


Merry said...

Sending hugs your way! I sooooo know how you feel. I hope things are better pronto!

Mommy Project said...

More hugs!
I think every mom feels exactly like that every once in awhile. Hang in there, gf! I'm sure things will get better soon.

Goofball said...

tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start! Isn't that a promising thought?

Lynn said...

WORD, woman. You just described my week. What is it about the end of summer that makes me run out of patience? Is it the having of the kids non-stop for so long? Or is it the looming threat of making lunches and snowpants?

Either way, I need to get it together. I'll be thinking of you, sistah.

Bibliomama said...

Yeah. Those days are unavoidable, and very not fun. Good luck for the next one.

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Well, yuck! I certainly hope yesterday and today have been much, much better!!!