Monday, January 17, 2011

and lame

Tonight I was helping Abby condition her hair......

Abby: Mom I want to play with my friends.
Me: You want to play with your friends?
Abby: Pray.
Me: You want to pray with your friends?
Abby: Prrraaaayyyy.
Me: You want to pray?
Abby: I want to pray my friends?
Me: You want to pray for your friends?
At this point she's sighing and rolling her eyes at me.
Abby: Pray!!!!!!!!
Me: Are you saying pray?
Abby: Prank! Prank! I want to prank my friends! (heavy emphasis on the k sound at the end)

And in her head I am sure she was thinking... oh my gosh my Mom is soooo old!


Leah said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, but this is sooo funny!!! Stuff like that happens a lot between Connor and I.

Bibliomama said...

Ha. When Angus was little and couldn't say his Ls or Rs, he was pointing at a painting in the living room and I thought he was saying 'water' and I kept saying 'water?' and he was looking at me like I was a moron. Then I realized he thought the lines on one of the door's was a ladder. He said "Mom! It's not water, it's a wadder!". Sigh.

Goofball said...

just for my English knowledge: does prank have the same vowel sound as pray/play?