Sunday, January 23, 2011

dear maya

Dear Maya;

This week, my sweet baby girl, you turned five. And I think I'm going to like five very much. Since you started school I've watched you become more comfortable in your own skin, more confident and that, in a word, is awesome. Sure we still have moments when you need to hide in my skirts, but these days it doesn't always have to be Mommy's skirts. Last night as the entire extended family started to sing happy birthday you went to Grandma Linda for a snuggle when it got to be overwhelming. You are getting better, but still aren't 100% fond of a lot of attention being thrown your way. So when it comes time to sing at church it's only about 85% of the time you're actually willing to join the rest of the kids up front. I'm not even going to complain about that because for you 85% is stupendous.

I said to another Mom not long ago that you test me every day, not in the sense that you're testing my limits, but rather you test me as a Mom. The way I parent you today, may not work for you tomorrow. Sometimes you need me to be tough and other days you need some extra snuggles. Some days you are a little extra emotional and other days you are as tough as nails. You still hero worship your big sister, but aren't so willing to be pushed around these days. Case in point, the other night when you told her to "shut her pie hole". I'm not quite sure who was more surprised about that one - your sister or me. Of course when Abby told you that the restaurant you wanted to go to for your birthday was closed you bought it, hook, line and sinker. She told you that because Burger King is currently giving away spongebob toys and that seemed like a better deal to Abby than mini ice cream cones at Marios.

You are the sweetest like girl with the biggest heart and so much love for the ones that are your nearest and dearest. You have hugs for everyone and a knack for remembering the important things about people. You love choir practice and swimming lessons and watching Abby do just about everything, even more so when Abby doesn't want you to. You are incredibly charming and you know exactly when yo turn it on. You can melt me with just a look and I can only hope it's a skill you'll only use for good.

You love pretty much everything about school and you've settled in just as I expected you to. You love to do your homework each week, finding pictures in magazines that start with your letter of the week. Then there is printing, you love to print and are always asking Dad and I how to special different words in addition to your stable of the dozen or so you can spell on your own. It's been great fun to watch you grow and learn at school. I am so looking forward to your observation day and first report card.

It's hard to believe you're five, Dad says it seems like you've been here ten years or more. Time is just speeding by and, at the same time, standing still. I love you so very much and am so very thankful for every single minute with you.

Happy birthday monkey.
Love Mama xo

1 comment:

Leah said...

You have such a way with words and your letters to your girls on their birthdays are amazing. They'll really cherish those words when they're older!