Saturday, January 22, 2011

until tomorrow

Would you believe I've actually spent most of this week getting caught up on my sleep. Which was awesome times ten. I felt fantastic this week. Then I went and blew it all by staying out until 3am last night. Oh heck, yeah I did. On a related note, I am way too old to be rolling in at 3am.

This has been a pretty awesome week. There is so much to tell you about. Maya turning five!!! Mike met his boyhood idols. Parties and cake and hanging with family. Pictures to share and stories to tell, but tonight is not the tonight for I must go crawl into my comfy bed and get myself some more sleep. Those uber late nights are a killer at thirtysomething.


Goofball said...

ouch 3 AM? that would kill me for the rest of the week as well

just me said...

hahaha! not as tuff as me, could have stayed out another hour haha