Wednesday, January 26, 2011

epic parenting moments

Today on the way home Abby informed us that if she were to kick Mike in his "thingy" that would be a USA - an unexpected sack attack.

We, of course, choked on our laughter trying to hold it back and attempt to be responsible adults about the whole thing, but within 30 seconds all four of us were laughing our faces off.

Then we got home and I tripped over something as soon as I got in the door. As the door jam came racing towards my face I let an f-bomb slip out.

Abby turned to me, with eyes wide and said... What the hell did you just say?

While behind us Maya danced a jig as she shouted out "shitballs" for no apparent reason.

Good thing they don't hand out parenting licenses. Ours would have been revoked today. For real life.


Merry said...

THAT is HILARIOUS!!!! Too funny!

just me said...

oh my goodness LMAO

Lynn said...

I laughed out loud at this one! Great story, and glad to hear I'm not the only one who lets the F-word slip out on the odd occasion :).

Goofball said...

well thank goodness parents aren't perfect, the world would be so boring ;)

Bibliomama said...

Yes -- snorted out loud here too. The first time I let the f-word slip, Eve said comfortingly, "it's okay Mommy -- we'll just pretend you were saying seal in French".

Leah said...

SHAN!!!!!!! I have tears streaming down my face I'm laughing so hard!!! Oh, we have those moments at our house, too, but never in such rapid succession. I mean, come on, if you're gonna have one of those moments, everyone might as well do it up and really make it a story, right??? ROFL!!!!!!!! Oh, that totally made my day.... Thanks for sharing!!

and ROFL to Bibliomama's comment as well!!! hahahahaha!!! LOVE IT!