Sunday, January 30, 2011

progress report

As we prepare to wrap up January I thought I should update how my 2011 to-do list is coming, if for no other reason than to keep myself on top of it.

I have been a water and green tea drinking machine! I still have to work on this at home, but I'm a rockstar to and from work and while I'm there too.

I have one completed lime green scarf in my donation basket.

I am tearing it up with the books though. I've read three since the beginning of the year and have three more on the go. One for work, one by my bed and one downstairs.Those are the three spots I read in and I always forget to bring whatever book I'm reading from one spot to the other, so three books works for me.

The yoga did not get off to a great start, but I have done it the last two weeks. I've also started zumba, which is really just me thrashing my uncoordinated limbs around set to music, but I enjoy it.

As for the 35lbs I've knocked that back to 34.6lbs thanks to a .4lb loss this week. Gotta start somewhere, right?

So I've definitely made a dent. I consider it a good start to the year.

Do you have a 2011 to-do list?


Julie said...

excellent start to the year i'd say.

Pam said...

Not to shabby! A great start and may it continue the way you hope. My 2011 list is something I write in about September with a procratinator's hindsight view on it. "Sure, I meant to get a microwave this year and I just knew DS was going to break it. Mission accomplished!" Doesn't really count, does it.

Bibliomama said...

Sure, sure I do. Get less fat. Do more stuff. Don't sleep so much. Don't read so much. Yell at husband less (actually I hardly ever yell, but I have the frosty glare down to a fine art). I might want to tighten it up a little, huh?

Leah said...

good for you!

I get overwhelmed by a DAILY to do list, let alone a YEARLY to do list. I think I'd probably give myself a heart attack. ha! If I were to make a list, it would have to include doing a better job keeping up with the house keeping, doing better at getting some exercise, figuring out ways to be more patient with my children... Oh, and learning to use my DSLR on something other than "auto" mode.

Betsy Hart said...

Mine is coming along as well. Glad to see yours is going so well. How in the world do you read three books at once!?