Friday, January 07, 2011

friday high five - family fun night

No doubt, last month was busy with lots of family time, but it wasn't like our usual family time. So for tonight Abby had planned out an evening of activities for us to get back into the family fun night swing of things for 2011.

So this week's Friday High Five...... our Abby organized family fun night.

1. Subs from Subway. Abby even went out on a limb and tried swiss cheese on her sub. She didn't like it, but she tried. Maya doesn't eat subs, but she had requested a cheesestring and a hot dog.

2. Jammies. Who doesn't like getting in their jammies after a cold Friday spent at work/school.

3. Blankets. I mean why get into your jammies if you aren't going to snuggle in under a fuzzy woogie?

4. Toy Story 3. The girls got this for Christmas and watched it a kajillion times while we were on Christmas break. Mike and I hadn't seen it yet. Before it started I asked Abby if it was going to make me cry. Yeah, it probably will, she said. And yeah... she was right.

5. Dance Off. My girl likes to boogie. She's pretty serious about her Dance Offs too and brings all her moves. So we laughed and shook out tail feathers to some Ke$ha until we couldn't breathe. And she totally kicked my ass. She is the Dance Off Queen at our house.

I have to say she planned out a pretty perfect family fun night.

Do you have family fun nights?


Leah said...

We have Family Fun Nights on Fridays as well (have for about the last five years!), but it's typically pizza in front of a movie, followed either by popcorn, or whatever candy stash is currently in the house (so, candy near Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Easter; popcorn other times of the year... LOL). Occassionally we bust out a board game or the Wii, but five family members can't easy play Wii games... Or kid-friendly board games, for that matter...

Toy Story 3 had me with tears streaming down my face when I saw it. In the theater. I felt sooo stupid that I couldn't turn the tears off to save my life, but then the lights came on at the end of the movie and I saw MANY MANY MANY other moms wiping at tears as well. *grin*

Is Dance Off a Wii game?? We were given Dance Party 2 for the Wii, but haven't had a chance to play it yet.

Shan said...

Leah - Oh yeah, big fat tears just rolling down my face. Such a great movie. As for dance off, we just turn on the ipod and start dancing in the living room. The idea is you bring your best moves and out dance the rest of us, Abby always brings her a-game. So much fun. We have Just Dance and Just Dance Kids for the Wii though and that's fun too.