Saturday, January 01, 2011

ying and yang kind of a weekend

Today Abby got a phone call from her bestie. Usually she only calls to ask if Abby can come over and play, but today she just called to chat. I could hear Abby telling her what she got for Christmas and while Abby was quiet I presume that she was telling Abby what had been under the tree at her house. It was a totally adorable conversation in that "oh my gosh they are growing up so fast" kind of way. In fact after she got off the phone I grabbed her in a big squeeze and begged her to stop growing up so fast.

Fast forward to bedtime, the girls were at Grandma's for a sleepover, but they called home to say goodnight. I got on the phone and said hi to Abby only to hear silence and I knew right away she was crying. Nothing kills me more than having to comfort one of my kids over the phone. Luckily she calmed down quickly otherwise she would have had me crying too. Poor little thing has always been prone to bouts of homesickness. I think she just wanted to remind me that she isn't growing up *that* fast and still needs her Mom. Thanks Abbers.


Bibliomama said...

We got a Web cam for Christmas and Angus had this hilarious conversation with my niece Charlotte, where at the end neither of them had anything more to say but just kept looking at each other goofily saying 'hi'. I love kids talking on the phone. When my brother-in-law and his wife call Eve can tie up the phone for hours. :)

Desi said...

Well that is the most adorable story! I can imagine those little cuties on the phone chatting it up like little adults lol :) Love it! I am not a mom yet but I can only imagine :)