Friday, February 11, 2011

friday high five - board games

I love board games and I had decided long before I had kids that I would make this a board game family. Almost 9 years into this Mom deal and I am happy to report we are a board game family. The girls get just as amped up about board game night as we do. I have to admit I am looking forward to them getting older so we can move into games that are a bit more "adult". I mean Candyland is fun and all, but it doesn't hold quite the same appeal as say Scrabble.

So last week I told you what my favourite card games were so to keep with the theme for this Friday High Five - my favourite board games.

1. Balderdash Board Game - It's been a while since we've played this one, but some of the biggest laughs that have occurred around our kitchen table have been a direct result of this game. Auntie Mel once came up with an answer in Balderdash that was so epic we still quote it.

2. Scrabble Crossword Board Game - I triple love scrabble. I love how even little words can be big scorers if you use the board to your advantage. Scarbble is probably the game that gets the most adult play in our house.

3. Trivial Pursuit 25th Anniversary Edition Board Game - Now Trivial Pursuit is something we play exactly never, but I do love it. We have the Saturday Night Live edition, which I've played once. You have to find that perfection combination of board game/SNL lovers for that one. Uncle Dave and Auntie Mel are the perfect choice in that capacity, but they are continuing to refuse to purchase that house that's for sale a few doors down. Jerks.

4. Yahtzee Dice Game - Santa gave us Yahtzee this year for family game night. I don't think I'd ever played it before. Now the box says 8 and up, but I think it really depends on your 8 year old. Abby was not overly enthused with the game. I think it was a bit over her head. Mike and I both really enjoyed it and actually played another game ourselves after the kids had headed off to bed.

5. Movie Scene It? 2nd Edition DVD Board Game - I love Scene It. We have a couple of versions, the original, Disney/Pixar and Seinfeld. The Disney/Pixar version is a favourite of Abby and Maya's. Of course their favourite part of the game is answering the questions based on the movie clips they've seen.

What are your favourite board games?

*In the interest of full disclosure, all games are linked to my amazon affiliate account


JC said...

I love Yahtzee too! In fact, I am the KING of Yahtzee. Just sayin'.

I also have Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.....but it's hard to find someone to play that with me. They're all afraid!!! lol

Other favs - Risk 2210, Monopoly, and Sequence.

So, what was Auntie Mel's answer???

Leah said...

We played Balderdash for probably close to three hours New Years Eve. I hadn't laughed that hard in a long long time. It got funnier and funnier the more we drank, too (not sure if the alcohol opened up the flow of creative juices, or triggered our funny bones, or a combo of the two... but it made for some good laughs!).

I'd love to hear the answer you still quote... My FIL still calls me from time to time about my defination of scarpology (apologizing for giving someone a scar). Okay, so it's not so funny NOW, but my MIL nearly fell out of her chair and two people spit their drinks they were laughing so hard. ha! good times.