Wednesday, February 09, 2011

listening in

So this afternoon Abby and Maya were playing with their Barbies in the living room while I surfed the web on my laptop. Well it looked like I was surfing, but in reality I was eavesdropping on their play time.

To set the scene it is important to know that Abby had a Barbie and a Ken doll. Actually I believe it was a Prince Charming doll. Whatever..... it was a boy doll. As for Maya, she had a single Barbie.

Abby: Hi honey, we're you're Mom and Dad. We live here.
Maya: No you aren't! I live all by myself.
Abby: No, we are your Mom and Dad. I was busy before and your Dad had to go off to war, so we gave you away.

Sounds like a plot from the Young and the Restless, doesn't it?


Betsy Hart said...

WOW! That sure does. ROFL!

Kankana said...

lol .. lol !!! very cute !

Goofball said...

ROFL wow where did they come up with that?

Leah said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! That's hysterical! I wish Emily had a sister to play Barbies with. She hasn't touched her Barbies (except maybe twice) in the last 2-3 years. sigh...

Desi said...

haha kids says the darndest!