Saturday, February 26, 2011

maya's report

Yesterday Mike and I got to spend the morning with Maya at school. Yep, it was time for parent observation. I have been dying to hear what Maya's teacher would have to say about her. She is still such a riddle to me. A completely adorable riddle, but a riddle just the same.

Just to give you a little insight to what I'm dealing with.....

If you ask her for a hug or a kiss she asks you what day it is because there is a schedule. Sundays are kissy days. Fridays are painting days. Saturdays are snuggle days. Mondays are huggy days. Please do not try to deviate from the schedule. Unless, of course, it suits her purpose to deviate from the schedule.

The other night I asked her to unload the dishwasher. She looked me right in the eye and said - you know what I'm going to say and it starts with an n. And she doesn't mean no, folks. Nope, the n stands for never! I will say she's very calm and matter of fact about the whole thing. There's no drama, no anger. She's just telling you like it is, according to her of course. She does this with just about any chore that's put in front of her. All with this attitude of 0h well if I don't, what are you going to do to me? I mean really, what's the worst? Because let's be honest here, my worst isn't going to be all that bad and she knows it. Where as Abby can't stand being sent to her room or having a time out, Maya is all like... whatevs.

When Abby was small I told her if she was lying to me I would see a dot on her forehead and oh boy did she fall hard for that one. I can always tell when Abby is trying to put one over on me. Always. Her guilt gives her away every time. All I have to do is glance in her direction and she folds like a lawn chair. She can't confess fast enough. My favourite was the day she was going over to play with a friend and attempting to take something with her that she knew wasn't to leave the house. I looked at her to say good bye and she blurted out... you know, don't you? Well, I thought to myself, I do now.

Now Maya on the other hand I cannot read at all and none of my Mommy tricks will get her to crack. Now someone has been dropping their TP beside the toilet instead of in the bowl, so I line up the suspects to get to the bottom of it. Now I am already 99% sure it's Maya and not Abby, but if I'm wrong Abby will be throwing herself on the mercy of the Mommy court faster than I can say cottonelle. We get down to it and immediately I can tell it's not Abby, she's almost beside herself with worry that I think it might be her, so I know it's not. So I turn to Maya and the little fart looks me straight in the eye and not only swears it's not her, but says I think Daddy's doing it. Fast forward to thirty minutes later when I overhear her say to Mike - it's not me, I think Mommy's doing it. For real life... I'm afraid I may be raising an evil super genius over here.

That's a little taste of what it's like to be Maya's Mom.

So, yeah... very interested in the teacher's take on her.

She was fantastic at school. I thought she might be clingy with me in the classroom, but she barely looked at me, just went about her normal schedule with barely a look back at us. She was picked "Happy Helper" so she had a lot of responsibilities to attend to, like the weather and the calendar and delivering the attendance to the office. She was quick with her seat work and was actually helping one of the kids in her group with her work.

Her report card was tremendous. Lots of consistently's. The teacher has no concerns. She's a pleasure to have in the class, she's polite and helpful and has made lots of friends. She's still a little reserved, but she can take a long time to fully warm up to things. Her teacher was shocked... I mean, mouth hanging open shocked, when she heard the dishwasher story. Apparently at school, MyPie is beyond helpful. Which I was fine with too. I said I'd rather she save that stuff up for Mama. You raise your kids in the hopes that when they are out in public people think, what a nice little girl and not oh my gosh, what a demon child.

Actually I fibbed just a little bit, her teacher does have one small concern, that Maya may be getting a little bored. She's been getting a little bit pokey in the last month. Her teacher thinks it may be a case of her knowing she can do the work, so there's no real sense of urgency when it comes to getting it done. Which I tend to agree with. She begs for homework every night when Abby is doing hers. Maya has one little assignment to complete a week. So we talked about things Maya could do at home to keep her challenged. So we'll start that and see how things go, but we really couldn't have asked for a better start to school for her.


Shan said...

@Bibliomama - yeah that seems to fit.

Leah said...

I'm chuckling; Connor and Maya could be evil genius twins or something... He can lie with a straight face, is unphased at the idea of punishment, and can dig his heels in with the best of them. But at school, he's charming, helpful, calm, cooperative... I swear he has a twin he swaps places with at the preschool door or something! You are soooo not alone!

Julie said...

that's awesome news. i totally agree with hoping you raise your kids to be nice and polite and compationate and kind, at least when they are out of the house! i'm already starting to stress about max and school!

i have to try that dot of the forehead thing. i don't think it'll work, but i am going to try it anyway!