Sunday, February 06, 2011

who lives in a pineapple

I've just realized that I didn't show you Miss Maya's birthday cake. She wanted a pineapple cake. Specifically a cake that was shaped like a pineapple. Why? Well I wondered that myself..... spongebob's house. I know, seems pretty obvious now right?

Maya`s cake

So that's what I ended up with. I liked it.... Maya not so much. You see she's only just started to like frosting and only peanut butter frosting will do. Green peanut butter frosting is not acceptable.


Luckily there was a couple of spots that hadn't been sullied by green food colouring. Crisis averted.


I'm not sure if I'll ever have a call to make a pineapple cake again, but hey, if you do need one. Drop me a line. I am your girl.


Bibliomama said...

That is one rockin' pineapple cake.

JC said...

I have a birthday coming up - do you do Survivor cakes?? lol

Kristen said...

Kids think of the craziest things. It's hard to see how their thoughts are going sometimes. I love the peanut butter frosting. What a great idea. The whole cake looks great!

Betsy Hart said...

My kids would love that cake =)