Thursday, March 24, 2011

this and that

Did anybody watch the Office? How super sweet was that? Also Jim.... oh how he kills me with his legumes.

I didn't get much of anything done tonight.... not even the grocery list.

Poor little Maya came down with a fever this afternoon. As soon as she got home she curled up on the couch with her blankey and pillow pet and was out like a light. She woke up briefly only to move from couch to bed and now I'm going to crawl into bed too on the off chance she's up bright and early after all that extra sleep. Nighty night.


Merry said...

I hope Maya is feeling better. I so hate when the little ones are sick!

Goofball said...

I only know the original BBC The Office, but I think Steve Carrell is pretty funny so would be interesting to see the US version of the same.