Friday, April 01, 2011

friday high five - the gifts i give myself

Happy April everyone! I am so excited to see that spring is arriving, albeit slowly. We had a snow day just over a week ago and we still have snow in our front yard. The forecast is calling for a high of 14 degrees on Monday, so I'm hoping that will take care it. At the risk of sounding like my friend TC, April is the month that I will celebrate my birthday. My 22nd birthday if you're asking Maya and I do suggest you ask MyPie how old I am and not her older sister who is such a stickler for details. So I guess April is my month to be a little reflective as I embark on another year of this fabulous life of mine.

So for this week's Friday High Five - the greatest gifts I have given myself.

1. Blogging. I have said this many times and it is so true. I am so thankful for the friends I have made via blogging. A couple of whom I've even had the chance to meet in person. It's just been the best. And let's not forget my "real life" peeps my friends and family who read. I love all of you that check in. Although I have to admit I am surprised when someone mentions they've been reading because I don't think I'm that interesting, but trust me I love that you do. Thanks everyone for reading along.

2. Jammie Movie Night. This was born accidentally from HPH and I watching Twilight in our jammies and it just organically grew from there. JMN is celebrating it's second anniversary this month! I highly recommend you get your girlfriends together and start your own. You will not regret it. My goal has always been to make it a low key no pressure night... hence the jammies, no wondering what to wear. Just put on your favourite comfy clothes and come on over. And if you can make it, great... if not we hope to see you next month. We watch a movie, usually something funny and not too heavy, eat our favourite treats with a healthy dose of chatting and catching up. Even Abby and Maya recognize it for the special night it is. When we started this, all of the girls except for two were connected only via me and now, at times, we break up into several smaller conversations. We've built a tight little group out of one crazy idea. I love it and all my Jersey Girls.

3. Volunteering. It just makes my soul feel good. There are endless volunteering opportunities out there and I wish I could do so much more than what I do. I just recently talked myself out of looking into opportunities with the Cactus Festival and the Food and Wine show. They both sounded like so much fun, but I know that I am at my limit. Especially right now with Michael doing his term as Agricultural Society President, which means lots of meetings, receptions and the odd work bee thrown in for good measure. Abby has been calling him the Fair Mayor which is adorable times ten. I am happy with the work I do for the school, the scarves I knit for Wesley, and the social media I do for the fair.

4. Baking. You might be surprised to hear this is a fairly recent endeavor. I'm not quite sure where it's going to take me, but I have such fun doing it. Although Mike would likely disagree with that considering I'm usually cursing out a cake as I decorate it. I love it by the end though! The hard part is getting there sometimes. I've been toying with the idea of taking a course, but I'm not sure right now is the best time. Mike was out three nights last week with obligations, so it's tough. Maybe next year.

5. Getting healthier. This is and has been a long slow process with many stumbling blocks and I would be lying if I didn't say I felt discouraged at times. I am loving the yoga and feel great when I do it. Zumba is tons of fun even if I do look ridiculous while I'm trying to keep up. I've realized that more of my grocery shopping is done at the outer ring of the store, just like they say it should. All the natural things I've learned from my girl ML have been a tremendous gift. I'm pretty much bread free these days and hardly miss it. I drink green tea like it's going out of style and feel better for it. I'm ready for the warmer weather so I can get back to walking with my ipod. So it's been a slow, but steady race and I'm happy with that.

What are the best gifts you've given yourself?

1 comment:

Bibliomama said...

Sounds like you're in a good place. I'm exercising more, but lately I'm eating like it's an Olympic sport -- it's not good. I had gotten away from walking with my ipod because I was mostly walking with a friend, but I've started going on my own just to have a listen, and it's so great for the soul. Although I wake up at 3 a.m. with the weirdest songs stuck in my head...