Sunday, May 29, 2011

sunday randoms

I'm less than 100 posts away from 2000. Wow! That's crazy, yo.

Our community garage sale was this weekend. I love the yearly garage sale. With the kids growing out of things.... clothes, toys, books, etc... it's a great way to keep editing down our lives. We did fairly well, better than some years, but not as good as our best year. After paying off the kids we'll be donating to my Relay for Life team.


In the midst of the garage sale we had an ice cream truck appear in the village. That's never happened in the history of forever. You just don't see that kind of thing out here. Oh my gosh, kids came running from everywhere. Have you ever seen a stampede of kids? Very funny, also... it was pretty much the best day ever.

I'm already tired thinking about next weekend. It's the Abster's birthday and she's singing for a special music night at church and it's my cousin's buck and doe... he was the ring bearer in our wedding for goodness sake, how is old enough to get married..... and it's anniversary sunday at church and.... well I think that might be enough to cram into one weekend.

We had pancakes for dinner tonight. There was much rejoicing about "night breakfast".

Now that Maya's reading, it's getting more difficult to put one over on her. The day will soon be here that she is officially way smarter than me. Scary. I never thought she'd have figured that out by the time she was five.

My Relay for Life team is awesome times ten. For serious! I had set a somewhat lofty team goal of $3000 and I am happy to report that, with a little less than three weeks to go, we are 75% of the way there. I am still looking for 6 friends to sponsor me $10 to reach my own personal goal of $300. If you'd like to help, you can donate online or to me in person.

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