Sunday, June 12, 2011

dear abby

Dear Abby

Well my sweet baby girl, some how when I wasn't paying attention you went ahead and turned nine years old. Nine. How is that even possible? You used to be this tiny pink bundle and now you are up to my chin. Shouldn't be too much longer before you're taller than me.

As much as I miss my baby Abby, my toddler Abby, my pre-schooler Abby and so on. I enjoyed eight and all evidence points to me liking nine as well. You're definitely growing up, maturing and it's a whole new world for you and for me. You've never been a tween before and I've never been the Mom of a tween so we're kind of muddling through this together. I'm nervous though, this strikes me as a very important time for you and I only pray I am doing the very best by you.

I like this maturing. I like that we can lock eyes over Maya's head when she's being both decidedly five and "Maya" as only she can be and share a shake of our heads or a roll of our eyes and let that look say what we're both thinking... "can you believe this kid? Seriously?" I can see our relationship growing, the friendship starting to blossom and I love it.

You still want to be an artiste. Your Dad worries that you'll be a starving artist trying to sell paintings and living with us forever. I think your artiste dream can take you many places... textiles, art teacher, graphic designer... and I'm so curious to see where you do end up letting it lead you. Although you have already submitted a verbal resume to Uncle Dave. Not that I'm biased or anything, but I'm pretty certain Page Design would be lucky to have you.

I think you have to raise a volunteer and I think we're raising one. Yesterday you headed out with your Dad and walked a long parade route and handed out pencils on behalf of our local fair. You've taken a real interest lately in the volunteering your Dad and I do, asking questions about what we do and why. You've started helping out where you can in the projects we're working on. Next Friday night you're going to join me at Relay for Life. I can't wait to share that experience with you. May be you'll be captaining the Junior Jersey Girls for next year's Relay.

You are a funny kid, always ready to share a laugh. You are quick with a funny face or a silly sound when you notice your sister is upset. You love your sister and take good care of her with your excellent big sister skills, but you're at that stage where you need your own space without your hero worshiping little sister tagging along. It's been a bit of a struggle find that balance. Whatever happens we can usually count on you thinking it's been too much togetherness while Maya thinks it's not near enough. Thankfully you and your across the street bestie and fairly good natured about having her hang around.

You still love to sing. I am so thankful for the music director at church who made singing fun again and has taught you so much. I still get emotional when you're up there singing. I am so proud of you. You are the very special little girl who made me a Mom for the very first time. Thanking you for coming along when you did. I waited for five years to be a Mom.... I never knew I was just waiting for you. I love you baby girl. To the moon and back!

Mom xo


Julie said...

beautiful post shan. happy 9 years old to abby again.

Leah said...

Happy 9th birthday Miss Abby!!! You sound like an amazing young lady!! Hope it's a fantastic day

Pam said...

I love this. What a nice way to celebrate your special growning girl's birthday.

Goofball said...

I think it is so great you are showing her by example what it is to be a volunteer...she'll develop social skills that are so important and often lacking in this society