Monday, June 13, 2011

we are....

Tonight ML, as my co-captain, and I attended the final Relay for Life Meeting before the big event. All of the committees it takes to organize this event were there to tell us all how it was going to go, about the survivors, the volunteers, the food, the ceremonies, the luminaries, tent city and so much more. It was emotional and informative, but the absolute best part was handing over $3425 that my team of Jersey Girls.... Relay newbies..... helped raise. We also managed to sell 30 luminaries and that my friends makes us a bona fide Dream Team. Heck ya, it does!

I am so proud of this team I can't begin to tell you.


Julie said...

go dream team!

good on ya!

Leah said...

What an incredible job you gals did! Congrats on the money raised and luminaries sold. You guys ROCK!