Monday, July 25, 2011

blogmother psa

So I know that some of you out there are considering doing the very thing I just did.... Hi Merry!...... piercing your nose. Now I am no expert on piercing. I had my ears done when I was 11-ish. I think my Dad took me on one of his weekends. I think, details are hazy that was over 25 years ago. The fact remains that my body went piercing free for the next two decades and then some.

So why did I do it? I love the look of a nose piercing, just a small stud. I'm not down with the hoop... for myself... if that's how you want to rock it, you go right ahead and let your freak flag fly. Robin and I had been talking for years about getting it done and then.... you know... she actually went and did it. I guess after that I figured I'd probably never do it. Fast forward to last month, the movie was sold out, but we had a babysitter lined up and suddenly nothing to do. Before I could even really think about it I was sitting in a chair picking out a stud.

So did it hurt? Well, duh. They are pushing a needle through your nose. It doesn't exactly tickle, but it's really just for a moment. My eyes watering lasted longer than the sting and I had one of my best girls with me for hand holding purposes.

So here's the public service announcement part - deciding to go and get my nose done was a spur of the moment kind of thing, even though I had wanted to for years and years, so there was no time for research. Oh I went to a reputable and clean place, but I really had no idea what to expect after it was done. Sure, the girl that did it explained how to clean it and that I shouldn't change the jewelry for a long long time. I didn't know how easy it would be to knock out of my nose. I did it twice in the first 36 hours and several more times since. I didn't realize that bumping it, knocking it out, or handling it can cause it to become infected and when it is infected the pin is going to want to pop out and sometimes does pop out. Word on the street is nose piercings can be problematic and take a long time to heal.

All that being said I don't regret for a minute getting it done. Now that it's finally settling down and healing I LOVE it. Some times I stand in front of the mirror and can't believe I actually did it. I really didn't think I ever would as much as I wanted to. If you are thinking about it I suggest doing some reading online about what you can expect once you get your nose home.


Julie said...

once you can start changing the piercing to the regular once with really plyable wire it doesn't fall out so easily anymore. i actually took the piercing one out because the little stud was too small and kept pushing into the hole! i've had mine for over 10 years and still love it.

Bibliomama said...

Well geez, how badass are you? I love Julie's, and I'm sure I'll love yours once you post that picture that I'm sure you're intending to post very soon, right?