Sunday, July 03, 2011


Well what a weekend that was! It was hands down my favourite kind of weekend. Full of lots of fun stuff with a lot of my favourite people. A weekend like this is just good for the soul.

Friday morning Mike and Abby walked in the Canada Day parade.


There's my baby girl handing out pencils. She had such a great time and learned a very valuable lessons. When walking a very long distance it's always a good idea to where good comfortable shoes and not cheap falling part Hannah Montana slip-ons. Your feet will thank you for it later.

I am so proud of her for volunteering to go with Mike to these parades. It's a lot of walking and smiling and dealing with strangers, but she really loves it. This is her dipping her toe into volunteering and I just love seeing it. So proud that kid!

ML's kids were in the parade too, so we gathered everybody up afterwards and had a bite of lunch in the park and then hit the pool. After thoroughly cooling off we all piled on the hammock. Picture it... Me and ML at one end, The Abster and Ben10 at the other end and MyPie tucked in between us......


and then ML got a charley horse! I'm not quite sure how the rest of us didn't go tumbling out of that thing as she tried to get up.

After a hardcore nap by Maya, we hit up the fireworks with friends and their kids.



Saturday night we hosted a record crowd for the 7th Annual Roast Your Weenie Event. It was great to have so many people there. Great folks, like the uber awesome Widney Woman and her husband, who as luck would have it were in town and able to stop by for a too short visit that really deserves a post of it's own. The funny thing was The Widney Woman was telling her guy that we Canadians are pretty low key about Canada Day in comparison to how they celebrate the 4th of July in the States and then they get to my place and meet these folks....


the winners for best Canada themed outfit. Nice work ladies, two years in a row I might add.

Here's the deal, Roast Your Weenie started out as a work thing for Michael. Over the years it's kind of grown into a pretty hardcore Canada Day themed party. We give out prizes to those who know their Canadian trivia, have an old school candy toss for the kiddos and we make them cook their own dinner. How perfect is that?

My only regret is I didn't have a chance to get my hands on my camera as much as I would have liked. So now I'll have to hop around facebook downloading everybody else's. I wish every weekend was like this one.

And what did you do this weekend?


Merry said...

We had a pretty awesome weekend too. Gotta love that!

I love that Abby walked in the parade with Mike. You are so right...this is some of her first forays into volunteering & if you instil it's importance young you are ahead of the game. Oh and the shoe thing...yeah...we all had to learn that at some point, didn't we?

Bibliomama said...

Those fireworks pictures are awesome! My fave is the pic in the hammock, though.

Goofball said...

that hammock picture is really cool