Friday, July 01, 2011


Now what kind of Mommy Blogger would I be if I didn't post about the girls report cards? They'd probably toss me out of the union.... just sayin'.

So here it is the obligatory report card post.


This was her first report card. The one she got earlier in the year was more of a how she's doing report than a true progress report. At least that's what they told be, but really isn't that what a report card is anyway... something to let me know how she's faring with the curriculum? I guess the only difference, really, is there's no letter grades on Maya's instead they use a system of consistently, most of the time, sometimes and needs additional time.

Maya's report was a solid collection of mostlys. Which I wasn't surprised by, she is a super evil genius after all. She did score two sometimes, one for demonstrating an ability to use problem-solving skills in a variety of social contexts. I know, shocking right? Her teacher did say she interacts with her peers in a positive manner and she demonstrates an awareness of how to make and keep friends, but long time readers know that the social thing has been a long time coming for Maya. She is way more comfortable in her skin than she ever has been before and I have marveled at how well she settled in to kindergarten because I never really did believe that she was 100% ready to be there.

The other sometimes was for her ability to express responses to a variety of artforms, including those from other cultures. Again, not surprised. While Abby has always been my artsy fartsy girl, Maya is perfectly happy to colour an entire page with a green crayon and call it a day. Her only two consistently's came from gym, which surprised me a little bit, I guess. Maybe she's going to be our jock. All in all it was a great report card and Maya is super excited to have graduated into SK, but not super excited that her amazingly awesome teacher is leaving for another school. I'm not going to lie, I may have had a little pout about that too.

While I'm sad to see her leave as well I am grateful that my kids had the opportunity to be in her class. She is an amazing teacher who I just can't say enough good things about. I hope her new school knows how incredibly lucky they are to have her.

Now since this has gotten longer than I intended I'll close for now and give you all the lowdown on The Abster's report next time around.

1 comment:

Merry said...

Yay Maya! I remember how conflicted you were about whether she was ready or not. So glad that she had such a great year.