Friday, August 19, 2011

friday high five - what i'm watching

I am so ready for fall and back to school and routines and a reduction in my babysitting bill and the new TV season I can't even tell you.

Don't feel too bad though, I have been making do......

What I've Been Watching This Summer

1. Big Brother, of course I have. I make no apologies for it. Oh and for the record I am team Jeff and Jordan all the way!

2. Whale Wars. I will admit I do, at times, have an issue with what, I perceive to be, Paul Watson's seeming disregard for human life in the name of saving the whales... even still I'm on the edge of my seat for most episodes. It's really ridiculous what they are getting away with in the name of "research".

3. Phineas and Ferb. My gosh that show is funny. I'm not sure who I love the most. Looking forward to seeing the movie that I forgot to record for Abby while she was camping, but lucky for me she seems to have forgotten all about it. I wonder if I could stretch it out until Christmas?

4. The Wizards of Waverly Place. Admittedly, not my choice, but it's been a nice break from the endless episodes of iCarly we used to watch... even though I do miss Spencer and Freddy and Sam...... oh and Carly too.

5. The Next Food Network Star. I'm really hoping the Sandwich King wins this. I'd watch his show!


Betsy Hart said...

Sounds like a great batch of shows to be watching =)

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Sandwich King all the way!! I also watch Big Brother but have no favourite. I just like the drama. I haven't missed a season since it first started. Yikes!

Bibliomama said...

There's a sandwich king?

Shan said...

@Betsy - It will do.

@Marilyn - so much drama this season. I haven't missed a season either. Also yay Sandwich King!

Bibliomama - there sure is!