Monday, August 15, 2011


So Michael's sinus infection has become an ear infection. The poor bugger was back at the doctor's today and got himself some antibiotics. When he was there on Friday they prescribed a nasal spray.

What this means for me and the kids is we are repeating things eleventy billion times at louder and louder volumes. I'm pretty sure the neighbours can hear our TV from their house (last night he had it cranked up to 88). I'm sitting here watching Restaurant makeover on 22 and he's watching something in our room which I can hear plan as day in the living room. I'm going to be so happy when his hearing returns.

On the plus side, he's been so busy feeling unwell he hasn't had time to obsess and worry about that new job he starts on Monday.

Now that I think about it I'm not really sure which scenario is worse.


Bibliomama said...


Betsy Hart said...

Ear infections SUCK! Hopefully he gets back to normal soon..

Merry said...

Hope he's feeling better soon & that he loves his new job on Monday.

Goofball said...

so i guess he's starting tomorrow. I hope he feels better and wish him a good start