Sunday, August 14, 2011

sunday randoms

I made cookies and cream cupcakes this weekend. The jury is still out on them. I mean they were good, but I think they could be better. I may play with the recipe a bit.

This house is completely devoid of double A batteries which sucks large because the batteries in my wireless mouse died. I was desperate as I dislike the track pad on my laptop, so I've been stealing batteries out of the kids toys all weekend. Well to be honest just the Wii remotes (that were almost dead as well). On a related note I really hate that it's such a ordeal to get at batteries in kids' toys today. I don't want to be hunting down the correct screwdriver at 10 at night just to steal borrow batteries out of a Little People House.

Maya calls Miranda Cosgrove - Ramanda Cosmo. I love it. Always in love with her asking if she can "broom" the kitchen. Doesn't brooming sound like so much more fun than sweeping?

This picture is killing me. Killing me! I can't take it and yet I can't stop looking at it. The 80's were a different time... don't judge. Related - that may be me and my Mom, from back in the day. We loved our perms.

So I have a coupon binder now. It's full. I also have a stockpile of body wash, shampoo, laundry soap, and various household cleaners. Oh yes I do. I'm actually pretty proud of it and the fact that our grocery bills have been consistently under $200 (significantly under) for weeks and weeks. The girl who checked us out yesterday even commented on what a great shopper I was. Yep, I'm that girl now.

Abby is looking at pictures on my phone and she asked me - Mom why did you take a picture of the ice cream truck? Me - For Uncle Dave. He didn't believe me when I said the ice cream truck stops in our town because it never stopped here when we were kids. Abby - Wow! That is suckage. Now there a couple things wrong with this conversation... first, suckage? Really? Where is she learning this stuff? I'm going to blame Selena Gomez and the rest of her Wizards of Waverly Place. Second, the ice cream truck has only been coming here for 3 months. How quickly she's forgotten that her childhood used to be as devoid of ice cream truck visits as ours were.


Kaci said...

I've got some doosey's from my past grade school pics. Ugh, what my mom was thinking?

Julie said...

OMG! that photo. i can't stop looking at it. it's killing me. those huge googly eyes! (wiping tears away)

Betsy Hart said...

That one is awesome!! Have you looked at that website often? Its wonderful for a laugh! =) And too funny about the ice cream truck.