Sunday, August 21, 2011

sunday randoms

Went to see the Change Up this weekend with my sister-in-law and our guys. It was so funny. We laughed from beginning to end. On a related note I have some serious love for Jason Bateman. I am totally putting him on the list.

Less than 12 hours until Michael starts his new job. He's been surprisingly calm about the whole thing.

I can't believe the kids go back to school in only two weeks. Where did that summer go?

That being said, fall is my favourite season. I love when the weather starts to get cooler.

I ran out of iced coffee this weekend. It was very sad.

Also making me sad, this is the last season of Entourage.

Mike and the above mentioned sister-in-law are trying to get me to get a blackberry instead of the iphone. They have me wavering. Sort of. I really want that iphone. I think. Hmmmmm.


Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

I thought The Change Up was hilarious in an uncomfortable sort of way. The kitchen scene with the babies had me covering my eyes.

Betsy Hart said...

My husband had a blackberry then he went Android and hasn't looked back =)

Goofball said...

I can never understand people that like the start of the fall because it'll be cooler or more crisp or so

how hot is your summer?
mine was crappy and often <20C. I want it hotter...I want some weeks where I do not wear a sweater :( It's waaaay too early for fall to start, this is seriously depressing me.

Shan said...

Marilyn - I know, it was too much.

Betsy - My other sister in law loves her android. Thought about that as well. So many opotions.

Goofball - July was so hot and humid it was crazy. We ran our AC non-stop almost the entire month. I would be happy if it was fall all year round.