Monday, October 17, 2011

better late than never

Sometime in the past year one of my girl friend's was over visiting, she had just arrived as the kids were finishing up dinner. That night Maya was eating a wrap with peanut butter and cheddar cheese on it. My friend couldn't believe she was actually eating that and it's become somewhat of a joke between us ever since.

So tonight, we had tacos for dinner. Now 75% of the family loves tacos.... which makes it a win in my books. Maya won't eat them because she doesn't eat lettuce, ground beef, tomatoes, or sour cream. So tonight she had peanut butter on a wrap with some shredded cheddar on the side, just to snack on.

Part way through dinner she had this to say.....

Know what you shouldn't eat together? Peanut butter and cheese. It's disgusting. If you ate that then you would have something horrible in your mouth. Blech!

And it only took her the better part of a year to come to that conclusion!


Bibliomama said...

One of my Mom's friends had a French nanny who used to eat peanut butter and mustard sandwiches. Blerg! Makes peanut butter and cheddar sound positively delectable, don'tcha think?

Jill said...

I shared my GF DF pizza crust and an article about the important research from The Rodale Institute on organic vs. conventional ag. the results may surprise you!

Betsy Hart said...

LOL! Love it!!!