Sunday, October 16, 2011

sunday randoms

So Saturday night found me at a hoedown. I know, right? I'm kind of wondering what I've become myself. So we had a lovely beef dinner and then hung around to hear a couple of our besties sing. They haven't in a while, but even still I love the way they sing I'll Fly Away. Love it. Then there was square dancing. Oh yes there was. I did not partake, but that may have been me up there line dancing. Maybe.

At this point my Mom's finger will be itching to press the comment button so she can tell y'all that I did in fact take line dancing classes back in the day. Oh yes I did.

So I play scrabble on fb with my sister-in-law, the scrabble queen, every once in a while she throws me a bone and lets me win one. She's actually making me a better player because her level of play is way up there. I gotta bring it or she'll slaughter me for sure. Anyway I also started playing Words With Friends with some friends, it's the same but different and for some reason it only likes to work for me some of the time! It's so annoying. Does this happen to anyone else? Also anybody up for a game of either?

My pal Leah almost scarred her daughter for life, does it make a bad person if I laughed my tail off when I read it?

Still reading Valley of Horses. ML is itching for me to finish it because she just finished the first book, Clan of the Cave Bear and wants to get on with the second. I just need the world to stop for a day and I'd be able to wrap it up. Only 6 days until Touch a Truck and then things should quiet down. Ha... right.

She's only 9, but she's got the teenager thing down already! Twenty-five minutes before bed on a Sunday night is when she decided it was time to do her homework.

Recipe testing this week.... cake batter fudge. Oh yum!


Leah said...

I had my own fit of hysterical laughter over it when Em and I realized my mistake, so definitely doesn't make you a bad person to have laughed!! hahahaha! I have actually been giggling over it the last few days. too funny! and yay for line dancing!! Some friends and I took weekly classes back in high school. good times!

Betsy Hart said...

Sounds like you had a good weekend. =)

Goofball said...

oooh you are reading the series from JM Auel? I read them also, except for the last one . Loved it!