Monday, October 24, 2011


I've started posting a daily gratitude list on twitter. Things have been crummy lately and I've felt lower than low. The tide is slowly turning and I'm eager to help it along. I recently read that making a daily gratitude list improves your quality of life, which is the same thing The Oprah told me years ago, so that story checks out. I'm game to give it a try.

So for the past few days I've been posting as many things I am grateful for that can fit within the 140 character twitter limit, including the #gratitudelist hash tag. Why on twitter? Seems the easiest option for me. The option that pretty much guarantees I'll post it every day. Want to join me? Just post your gratitude list on twitter once a day and use the hash tag.

Have you ever made a gratitude list?


Little Mommy Kim said...

What a great idea! I don't use twitter, but I love the thought. I've been really down because I really dislike my job, but I often have to stop and think about the hundreds of blessings in my life.. work is just work. I could use a gratitude list!

Bibliomama said...

I've been enjoying your gratitude list. When I stopped praying at night (long story, let's just not go there) I started listing things I was grateful for before falling asleep instead. It's a good way to end the day.

Betsy Hart said...

It really is something that can change your outlook. =)