Monday, November 21, 2011


It's been 145 days since I took an unplanned break from Weight Watchers. At first it was just a fun little holiday and then everything went a bit pear shaped around here and it was just easier to not think about it. And that decision right there was good for seven point seven pounds. Ugh! To be honest I was expecting it to be 10 or more, so I won't complain too much.

Lately there has been some general rumblings of... oh I need to get back on track..... I need to get my head back in the game..... and so on. Seemed like a good idea in on paper, but it was really hard to put into practice.

Then along came something to give me a huge kick in the ass.

Her name is Abby.

She wants to run a 5k next summer.

She wants to start training now and she's nine so she can't train alone.

So this Mama bought and downloaded Couch to 5k to her ipod this weekend and then I hit the trail with her Sunday afternoon to complete day one of week one. We had to take Maya with us because Michael has been farming up a storm the past couple of weeks and they both totally out paced me. In fact by the end of the session I was holding them up. Enough that Maya turned to me and said... Mommy you need to go faster and without missing a beat my Abby girl shot back.... she's can't, she's old.

Oh yes, I am old. And I don't run, not ever, but I'm giving it a go. I'm kind of impressed I finished day one and am kind of looking forward to going out with her again tomorrow Maya will have to come with, which is cramping Abby's style, but there's still farming to be done.

Today was a day off from running, so Abby had us doing some yoga and some stretching instead. We both agreed we felt better for it. I'm interested to see where this is going to go and am very much in awe of my baby girl and the goal she's set for herself.


Lynn said...

That is SO inspirational. I need an Abby around here to give me a literal kick in the butt. Lately I have been noticing that I'm huffing and puffing as I go up the stairs - I need some exercise but it's SO hard to get motivated.

I hope you will keep us up to date on your progress and maybe I'll try to follow along with you. I HAAAATE running as well...but I'd do it for Abby!

Julie said...

so. awe.some.

Leah said...

congrats to the both (or three!) of you lovely ladies/girls! I'm impressed. I grumble frequently about my weight and lack of excercise (minus the ballet class I take on Thursdays), but have yet to really get inspired to do much about it. good luck training for that 5K!

Betsy Hart said...

That is impressive! I used the couch 2 5k way back when I started. I need to get back into it, badly! You can totally do this. =)

Chantal said...

that is totally awesome! can't wait to hear updates.

Goofball said...

hah....I finished my 5k training last month, trained 4 months for it. It was so incredibly hard, I hated it often but you know the end I enjoyed it

and then I finished the last lesson and have not run anymore since. what a pity eh. But maybe you inspire me to keep going at least once a week. That would be good right? yeah, ok ok, I agree with you, I should still run once a week. I'll give it a try and give a little cheer for you then to to mentally join me