Sunday, November 27, 2011

sunday randoms

So it's Sunday night.... that weekend was a whirlwind! Phew.

Today the power kept going out at the house which was a total pain in the arse because I was trying to bake and prep for all the cooking I need to do this week. The power went out, once again, after the sun went down so it was pitch black in the house. Abby was in the bathroom at the time and in trying to get out of it, walked nose first right into the door jam. She ended up a nice bump on the bridge of her nose and a bit of a headache. Poor thing.

So what's the deal with all this baking and cooking. Well our fabulous dairy farming friends ML & T are finally moving the herd into their new barn! It's a very exciting time for them. It's been so much work to get to this point, I'm glad it's finally here. From the way I understand it, it's going to take 3 days to get everyone settled into the new barn. It's a 24 hour, all hands on deck sort of situation so I volunteered to take care of feeding them so they can concentrate on the cows.

And the power is out again!! Where did those dang kids leave the flashlight? Okay it's back on.

Okay so yeah.... cows. Mike will be headed there after work to lend a hand and taking dinner with him when he goes.

I think I finally nailed down a plan for Christmas. Actually I thought I already had one, but we kind of threw it out the window last night and started from scratch. I like the new plan. It makes me happy.

Got the kids Christmas presents mostly done as well. Not a lot going under the tree this year. Really running with the less is more and it's the thought that counts theme this year. Lots of really great outside the box ideas for gift giving. That makes me happy too.

Went for a run on Saturday. It was a tough go for both of us. I think we took too long of a break in between. Abby has riding lessons on Thursday night. An hour long lessons equals two hours at the stable so we didn't run, nor did we on Friday. We hadn't run since Tuesday. We facebooked a picture of our pathetic faces and begged for some words of encouragement. They must have worked because Abby had me downloading Bootcamp today. My body is sore just thinking about it.

Strained a muscle running on Saturday then went and stood in the cold to watch the Santa Claus parade. I was sore walking in, but no pain walking back to the van. Did Santa cure my muscle strain? I think he did. The first Festivus miracle of the season.

Only three more days until Movember is over. Get your razors ready fellas. I am ready to be done with the creepy staches. Love the cause, but..... ick.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm with you on the staches, Shan. I saw some very creepy specimens at church today. Hopefully they'll all be long gone next Sunday!