Monday, November 28, 2011

shaving years off my life

Oh my gosh, it is always something around here. Neither Mike or I were expecting the call we got this afternoon. Maya took a tumble at school and they thought perhaps she may have broken her hand or her wrist.


Did I mention today was the day I was cooking dinner for our dairy farming friends and that Mike was headed to the farm to help out after work? Yeah. So we made some calls and got Grandma Sandi to pick up Abby and take care of dinner. Luckily I had mostly ready to go. Thank goodness I prepped so much the day before.

We got to the school to find Maya sitting quietly in the office waiting for us. She had an ice pack for her hand and she had a little cry when she saw us, but she was pretty together. Her hand was very swollen and bruised in one localized area, so off to emerg we went.

It took us just over 2 hours to find out that Maya had no broken bones, but rather had a pretty nasty bruise on that fleshy part of your palm underneath the thumb. Nothing a little tylenol, an ice pack and some time won't cure.  Thank goodness. Maya was a trooper through all the waiting and the poking.

And we were still home in time to get dinner to the farmers, Mike got a few hours of work in and Grandma Linda was kind enough to load my dishwasher and! wash my dishes while I had a shower before getting the kids to choir practice....where Maya promptly forgot about her hand and attempted to clap along to the music. She remembered in a darn hurry, I tell ya!!


Betsy Hart said...

Well I am glad it wasn't broken and glad you were able to go and take care of her. Its nice to have people who are willing to jump in and help. =)

Goofball said...

ouch, poor girl