Monday, January 30, 2012

sunday randoms

Well this was another pretty terrific weekend. What can I say, my life is pretty freakin' great these days. It's just so full of really great stuff. I can't even tell you. I am a lucky lucky girl.

This video made me laugh like crazy. In fact, I may have watched it on more than one occasion this week while thinking... man, Dave would agree with all of this.

Survivor starts soon! Yay!

Maya's drive in birthday party was a total hit! I'm so happy it came out the way I saw it in my head. Major cool Mom points scored with that one.

I love family dinner, we don't do it near enough though. Love hanging with my sisters-in-law and their families. So many laughs.

I know you won't believe me, but some how one of our bestie families convinced Mike to head out in the dead of winter for a hike down the trail. We all came back with pink cheeks and big smiles. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon and I got to try out my mapmyfitness app. Pretty much love it.

Still in total love with my Kobo. I've read three books on it since the first of the year.

1 comment:

Betsy Hart said...

I love hiking! =)