Wednesday, January 15, 2014

52 kids live here - week 2

So many messes. It seems like every time I turn around there is another mess, but that's what I get for living with little kids, right. I signed myself up for this. In a blink though, they'll be grown and on to their own life and the messes will be gone. I'll be able to clean a room and come back 15 minutes later with it looking exactly the same as I left it...... assuming Mike isn't home :)

So to "celebrate" those little messes I'm joining with with my girl, the uber talented Ann, and her 52 Kids Live Here project.

My bedroom is not my own. I mean sure, half of it belongs to Mike, but all of it really belongs to the kids. Or so they think. We have two TV's in our house, one in the living room and one in our bedroom. The kids have a TV that's only hooked up to a dvd player in the toyroom. More importantly Mike and I have a desire not to watch shows like ANT Farm and Kick Buttowski. (I will watch Good Luck Charlie because I have a girl crush on Amy Duncan.) So that means they like to hang out in our room...a lot. And they never manage to take all their stuff with them when they leave. 


Annie said...

So true! I'm always saying, "I don't ~have~ stuffed animals" as I pick them all up and toss them back into their appropriate homes! :)

I don't mind Ant Farm too much, but Hey! Jessie drives me nuts. It's Jessie...not Juss Say. Ugh.

Thanks for playing along Shanny!!

Betsy Hart said...

My kids think my room is theirs too. I am constantly finding stuffed animals, or little pet shops "hiding" among my things.

Lynn said...

Totally identify - with the TV in bedroom situation, and crush on Amy Duncan. She really is a comic genius (also, love her practical yet sassy wardrobe).