Saturday, May 29, 2021

21/52 - Time


Time (2020) - Another Oscar nominated pick, full disclosure, I did not get to see this one before the awards show, so I already knew that My Octopus Teacher had won the top prize, but I was game to see how it held up against that and Crip Camp. This documentary was produced and directed by Garrett Bradley follows Sibil Fox Richardson as she fights to have her husband released from prison, where is is serving a 60 year sentence for armed bank robbery.

Surprisingly I had a similar reaction watching this as I did watching Crip Camp. I, again, felt I had dropped in on a story already being told, which in a sense was exactly what was happening. Once again, by the end I felt caught up and was really moved by what I had seen. A good portion of the documentary features footage of the family as the years pass with their husband and father in jail. Those scenes when compared to present day Sibil navigating meetings and phone calls dealing with her husband's release really showcase the growth of Sibil as a wife, mother and public speaker. These videos began as a way to document the life that her husband was missing as he served his sentence.

Going into this, I expected this to be more of a crime and/or legal documentary, but there was very little focus on the details of the work for a reduced sentence for Sibil's husband. The focus is instead on the time that has been spent and passed during his two decades of incarceration. While the focus may have been on the time spent waiting, there is still lots to unpack regarding prison reform, Sibil Fox Richardson drove the getaway car and served 3.5 years, while her husband, who committed the actual armed robbery was sentenced to 60 years with no chance of parole. I think the argument could be made for that being excessive. 

I thought this was very well done, but at the same time I do agree with My Octopus Teacher winning the Oscar this year.

I watched this on Crave.

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