Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fashion forward

Abby has a flair, a style, if you will, all her own. She really loves clothes and shoes. Oh boy does she love shoes. I believe she currently owns eleven pairs of shoes and boots. Her father and I don't own half that much between the two of us. Through the week for school I pick out her outfits, but on the weekend or after school I will often let her choose her own ensemble. Since she's only 4 she doesn't yet have all the pressures and hang ups that plague us women as we get older. So when it's her turn to pick an outfit she picks her favourite pieces, whether they match or not.

2007-04-12 003

This is how she went to choir practice tonight. Mike was taking her this week so I could get the all the tax stuff ready for our accountant. He may have been a titch embarrassed, but Abby, as you can plainly see, is rocking the look hardcore.

This outfit is actually pretty good compared to some of her combinations. Red dress, red socks. That matches. I'm sure she would have worn her red boots, but one is currently AWOL, so cowboy boots it was. Oh and the red socks, they're mine.


L Sass said...

She's rocking that look!! You may have a little Project Runway contestant on your hands in, oh, 18 years or so!

Shan said...

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. Although she told me today that one of the kids in her class said she should be a singer, but she wants to be a teacher and live all on her own and then she won't have to worry about anything.