Sunday, September 30, 2007

yeah she is

Recently we've been letting Maya sit in a booster seat at the table when we eat dinner. I had the bright idea that she might be encouraged to eat (something... anything) if she was sitting with us as opposed to her high chair and then just maybe I wouldn't have to get her a bottle at two in the morning anymore. Well to be fair, Mike usually gets it, but he complains about having to do it an awful lot. Usually at two in the morning. So...... where was I? Oh yes the booster seat, well despite my hope that the booster seat would have magical food eating powers it does not. It seemed like it did in the beginning, but apparently the seat only works on chicken nuggets, frozen pizzas and ketchup.

So in some respects the experiment was a bust. Maya still eats close to zero food, well meal type food. She'll happily snack on crackers, fruit treats, peanut butter sandwiches, chocolate pudding and yogurt all day. In spite of that I'm glad we've moved her to the booster seat. You can laugh at me if you want, but it really makes me feel like I have a family. That I'm a Mom. I look at Mike sitting across from me, Maya to my left, Abby to my right and the table feels full. It feels complete.

I was having one of those moments just last night. Abby was telling us about her day in the rambling conversational style so popular with the five year old set. Maya was alternately calling Ahhhh-Beee's name and eating ketchup by the spoonful. Mike and I shared one of those, our-kids-are-so-damn-cute smiles that parents share. Abby must have been feeling the moment too because I heard a little sigh escape her as she gazed across the table at her sister. After a moment she turned her attention back to her food, but not before we heard her remark....."She is such a little angel."


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

That's just too freaking adorable.

You kinda make a gal want to procreate ;)

Sue said...

Awh! *melts*

Kids are so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Too cute. If you invited my husband and me more often - you could look around with awe at your family and then disgust with "who the heck are these Americans and why aren't they using utensils" at the other end of the table.

Shan said...

Michelle- thanks and you should.

phoenix - they really are. Thanks for stopping by.

Sue - here's a hint, just bang your fork against the table like Maya does, you'll fit right in.