Monday, December 29, 2008

and on to the next thing

Now that Christmas is over it's time to start organizing myself for Maya's birthday party. I already have her present or part of it at least. I ordered a Melissa and Doug magnetic doll that was 20% off at, making it $10.31. Then I stumbled across a $10 off coupon code meaning I scored the doll for a mere thirty one cents. Go me! Boy do I love a bargain.

I think I'll pick her up the Little Mermaid 2 dvd before it goes back in the vault at the end of the month. She's so in love with all the Rocket/Little Einstein stuff she got for Christmas I think she's good. I'm not going to lie to you it's hard to get into the spirit of birthday party planning when you're just coming off a major holiday. I have a new appreciation of my Mom. Uncle Dave's birthday is one week before Christmas. I can't imagine having to organize a party in the midst of all the last minute Christmas stuff.


Unknown said...

Hi Shan -- quick question -- is WCW coming back tomorrow next week? Just figuring out my posts for the rest of the week, and wanted to check in :) Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas :)

Betsy Hart said...

Ugh. I hear you on the birthday right after the holiday. My grandpa is a twin and his is the 27th! Good luck and great deals!

Shan said...

City Girl - yep, it will be back.

Betsy - my Grandpa was on the 26th.


31 cents!! You rock!!