Monday, May 25, 2009

sometimes, yes she is

Yesterday Maya and I were in the bathroom. While I was doing her hair she was digging through the bathroom "catchall drawer". From somewhere in it's depths she pulled out a bulb syringe.

Maya: Mommy, what's dat?
Me: It's to clean out the baby's nose.
Maya : can I clean out my nose?
Me: No, it's for babies and you're a big girl.
Maya: No, I a big baby.


Lynn said...

Hee true!

Now, on to important topics...Webkinz! I looked for the Diner Dash game -- I envisioned an online version of Supermarket Sweep, and I was SO THERE -- but I can't find it in the games list. Is there some special place I have to go to get it?

Unknown said...

giggling in the corner here.

Betsy Hart said...

Sometimes I'm a big baby too!!