Saturday, March 13, 2010

never a dull moment

Leah recently asked me a very reasonable question in regards to Abby watching Grease.... did it open up too many cans of worms (sex/drugs/smoking/drinking references??) I keep debating letting Emily see it (she's allll about the singing and/or dancing movies).

This was something I turned over in my mind dozens of times long before she ever watched it because I love Grease. Really truly love Grease. I have seen it countless times myself. Heck Robin and I even hit up the theater to see it when it was re-released. I own the soundtrack on CD. I realize there's some stuff in it. They drink, they smoke and there are plenty of references to "making out". But I know Abby and I knew she would take very little notice of those things. She'd be all about the singing and the dancing. So as it turned out last week they showed Grease on YTV, a channel that gets a lot of play at our house and just happened to flip it on at the end. Apparently she'd been seeing the commercials for it all week and seeing the grand finale just made her really want to see the whole thing. So I let her.

So she's watched a gazillion times, sings the songs nonstop and makes us listen to the soundtrack every morning on the way to the sitters. And as I figured she seemed to pay no attention to the "less desirable" parts of the story. Still, Leah got me thinking... so I asked her.

Me: Hey Abs, did you have any questions about Grease?
Abby: What do you mean?
Me: Well anything you saw in the movie. Do you have any questions about any of it?
She's quiet for a moment while she thinks it over.
Abby: I have one question.
Me: Okay.
Abby: For my boyfriend.
Me: Your boyfriend?
Abby: Yeah Danny.
Me: Ummm, okay. What is it?
Abby: How'd he get to be so hot?


Bibliomama said...

Ha! You definitely know your kid. We watched Hairspray with our kids last week-end -- some tricky conversations about segregation and racism. I think as long as you're paying attention and talking about it, it's all good (and Eve is the same -- she's all about the music. And the hot guys).

Julie said...

how do they know what hot is? i was babysitting my niece when she was about 6 or 7 and we were watching an nsync video. she told me that joey was sexy. ?? i asked her what made him sexy. she wasn't sure, she had heard her babysitter say it. sponges!

Goofball said...

it would have never occured to me that Greace might be inappropriate or confusing for younger children

I guess I'm not a mom. Then again I don't think my parents have ever sensored something for me or had talks about what I had seen. If they did, they've done it subtely