Thursday, October 14, 2010

option c is the worst

I have

an adorable 8 year old who all but begged me to let her wash the dishes tonight, by hand. It was a project suggested by her French teacher, to do dishes without being asked. I wish all homework was that awesome!

a bear of a four year old, who did not handle school well at all today. She cried from the time she got home until the time I left for my meeting (and probably after, but I wasn't home for that part!), pausing only to throw her cup at her sister and then sniff at me that it was "just a toss and it didn't hurt her". I'd be willing to bet my next pay cheque that she was an absolute delight at school though. She just saves it up for Mama.

a husband with a head cold. God love him! Here's hoping he keeps that to himself!


Merry said...

Evan "saves it up for mama" too. Ain't it great? I have been at my wits end lately trying to figure out how to get him to stop!

Goofball said...

damn your options are truly going downhill as you continued your list. glad you only had to list 3 points ;)

Julie said...

everyday i pick up the jellybean and our care giver tells me what a great day he has had. as soon as those words are out of her mouth the jb starts his pouting, whining, crying, talking back, etc. like merry, i'm at wits end by 6pm most days.

Bibliomama said...

It's because they feel safe enough with us to show us their worst. Isn't that just effing heartwarming?

Betsy Hart said...

So true! Husbands are the worst!


Shan, Merry, Julie, Bibliomama, thank you for making me feel normal. I'm sitting here trying to come to terms with our daughter's crying. She spent 2 weeks with my family and was a perfect angel. Didn't cry once. My mom said as soon as her brother and I arrived, the crying and pouting started. Same thing with school when either of us picks her up. I'm about to lose my mind.