2006-02-11 001
Originally uploaded by shanrev.
Well it had to happen eventually. The cupboards were bare, the fridge was empty, we were down to half a loaf of bread. It was time to go grocery shopping. When Abby was a newborn we rarely went grocery shopping with her. Papa and Grandma Linda took it as a personal insult if actually went grocery shopping without calling to see if they'd like to watch Abby while we went. We still pawn her off to them while we shop if we feel she isn't up to making the trip or if we aren't up for her making the trip.
Today though we were feeling confident or stupid, I'm not sure which. We decided the four of us would go shopping this afternoon. I had planned my meals out and written out a list, so it should be a piece of cake right? Yeah right! So the girls had a little spending money thanks to the wonderful Linda out west. Thanks again Linda. So we headed to the baby department first and picked out some clothes for Maya. I also treated myself to 4 more nipples so I only have to get bottles ready once per day instead of the multiple bottle making sessions I have been enjoying daily. Then it was on to the actual grocery part of the trip. Even though I had a list I still found myself forgetting to pick things up and having to back track down aisles.
I don't want to point fingers or lay blame, but it could be because Abby was insisting on getting in and out of the shopping cart. Which was annoying Mike, who in turn was annoying me. Then add in the various WalMart staff who just had to see the baby. That required us stopping every couple of feet. The conversations all started the same way... Oh is this your new baby? Nope just one we grabbed off the shelf on our way in.
After we managed to complete our shopping list we headed to toys so Abby could pick out a treat. Once again compliments of Linda (thanks). Abby's been puzzle crazy the last few weeks. She has three puzzles and she must build them and take them apart several hundred times a day. Every time she builds one she tells me, "I have to build this puzzle for my baby." So she picked out two new puzzles to add to the rotation. For some reason, known only to the two of them, both girls decided to start bawling their heads off in the puzzle aisle. Maya had a rather distinct odour wafting off the bottom end of her, so a trip to the washroom was in order. As for Abby, I have no idea what she was crying about.
So we made a side trip to take care of smelly pants and then headed for the checkouts. Again we were swarmed by WalMart staff. A little more annoying this time since I was trying to wrangle two kids into coats. I did manage to get them both dressed and we headed out to the van. By the time we get there both kids are crying again. Maya because I've covered her with a blanket. As for Abby, again it was a mystery. So I start strapping in Maya while Abby wails in her car seat and Mike's at the back loading in the groceries and sighing in a way that lets me know his head will soon explode. Now were all belted in the van, the girls are still crying and Mike's telling them both to stop. Sure honey, they're going to listen. Did I mention that Wally was only our first stop?
We still had to go to Food Basics. Maya's settled down, but Abby's still crying, she wants to go home. I was surprised Michael to wheel around and head right there. Luckliy we only needed a few things at Food Basics. We got through our shopping pretty quickly, but not quick enough for Abby. We just got in line at the checkouts when she started to freak out. Stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the store and started to cry. Well cry is probably an understatement since the entire store had stopped to look at us. I tried to take her hand to move her along only to have her rip it out of my grasp and scream, "you hurt me!" I would have been mortified if I didn't know that every child on the planet has done the exact same thing. Plus I was getting a lot of sympathetic looks from the customers who were edging their way around our little side show. My best course of action was to vacate the premises with both kids and let Michael take care of the groceries. God must have smiled at me for a minute because Abby agreed to hold my hand and walk "nicely" out of the store. She was still wailng her head off, but at least I didn't have to drag her. I should have bought enough groceries for a month. I'm already dreading having to go shopping again in two weeks.
The only way I managed to get through the shopping trip from hell was because my sweetheart of a husband got up with Maya for her 3 am and 7 am feedings last night and let me sleep. I love that man!
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