Thursday, February 02, 2006

Day Two

Well I was considering heading up to bed and skipping the update tonight, but I don't want to disappoint my adoring public. If nothing else I know Mel will be on here tomorrow morning wanting to know the latest on Maya. Good Morning Mel, hope you have a great day!

So it was a good day for Maya, not so great for me. Maya has now gone two days without problems. Her nurse was just couldn't wait to tell us when we arrived there tonight. I'm thrilled, but trying not to get my hopes up too much. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Actually I've found the best thing is to try and not think about it too much. It's fantastic she's gone two days, but I can't let myself think about the next 5 she has to do or I'll go crazy. Tonight was bath night and I nominated Michael. So he got to give Maya a quick wash. Unlike Abby who's always loved her bath Maya *hates* having a bath. Well maybe hate is not a strong enough word. She screamed her head off and went lobster red until she was out of the tub and wrapped in a towel. Just to let me know that she was still rather ticked off she peed all over her change table and towels. She stayed awake while she had her bottle, but drifted off shortly after she was finished.

Mike feels like he's getting a bit of a head cold. Which isn't surprising since Abby's had a cold since the weekend. So in his cold induced fog he miscommunicated his plans for the evening with me. So I arranged for Dad to come over to watch Abby so we could go to the hospital only for him to wake up like a bear with a sore ass. The appropriate level of bitching occured which, agreed, isn't a great thing to do in front of Abby, but sometimes these things have a life of their own. The whole thing ended abruptly with me in tears after Abby came to the door of the kitchen and yelled, "This is all your fault!" Well that sent me scurrying off to weep by myself in my bedroom. Before too long I heard the patter of little feet on the stairs and a very contrite Abby appeared at my door to say "sorry I said that Mommy." She was followed not long after by her Daddy who had a few sorries of his own to add to the pile. Mike and I sat and talked about feeling tired, stressed and all the other feelings that go along with something like this. Even Abby threw in an, "I'm upset about Baby Maya." No doubt she is, I'm well aware that she gets her cues on how to behave from us and we're upset about Maya. Everything these days revolves around Maya and that's difficult for everybody, with the exception of Maya. Who's just eating, sleeping and looking so cute you can't even stand it. I feel bad for complaining. I mean there's stories up on the walls at NICU about babies who are born 750 grams and are in NICU for months and months. This is easy compared to that. With any luck this will all be over in a week or so and soon it will be nothing, but a distant memory. Getting there is the hardest part though.

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